Patient's Visitor Rights
- Clarity of the announcement and suitability of the visiting hours to the various PSCC inpatient facilities Center.
- Provide visitor guidance services to the patients' rooms.
- The patient's visitor(s) is (are) entitled to file a written complaint or suggestions, signed or unsigned, to the Patient Services Department without compromise to the quality of service provided to the patient.
- Availability of clear policies and procedures in the PSCC to deal with visitations pertaining to exceptional cases and intensive care wards.
- Be informed of things that are not allowed inside the PSCC.
Patient's Visitor Responsibilities
- Seek assistance from relevant PSCC personnel in order to locate and reach the inpatient's room of the patient you are visiting.
- Comply with established/ announced visiting hours.
- Comply with medical decisions with respect to restricting visitation or determining the duration of the patient visit.
- Observe and respect the patient's privacy.
- Refrain from giving the patient any type of medications.
- Refrain from giving the patient any kind of food or beverages without consultation with the medical team and nursing staff.
- Refrain from assisting the patient in violating the instructions of the medical team and nursing staff.
- Commitment to public decency in addition to respecting others personal values, cultural, social and religious beliefs.
- Treat all PSCC staff, other patients, companions and visitors politely and respectfully
- Respect the privacy of other patients and companions (watchers).
- Comply with PSCC regulations and guidelines.
- Comply with PSCC safety and security regulations and instructions.
- Preserving the property and cleanness of the PSCC.
- Refrain from bringing things that are not allowed inside the PSCC, and be responsible for consequences entailed in violating such policy.
- Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the center.